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Writer's pictureSimona Serban

The power of the collective – when participatory design, sustainability and resilience join forces

Photo Katie McNabb

Today’s architecture is significantly different compared to previous styles mainly because the challenges the planet faces have finally gotten some of the attention they deserved. This has sparked the interest of architects and designers alike to focus on developing and creating more resilient architecture, such as buildings that are self-sufficient or rehabilitating old and unused buildings as well as objects made from recycled or recyclable materials.

Interestingly enough, this ignited people’s creativity and challenged professionals to look for the novel and unique in their usage of materials and finding a way of creating relationships between them that previously were not looked upon.

Generally, design concepts have changed a lot in the past decade and the trial and error periods helped and shaped the architecture of today, architecture that drowns massively from the organic, taking everything into consideration, including the possibility of creating fluid spaces that can be reconfigured to fit the needs of people.

How can we define inspiration with regards to architecture and design? It seems to be one of those concepts impossible to pin down to only one specific description. Generally speaking, buildings have an unlimited source of inspiration, from the organic forms found in nature to the specificity of an area – however, it isn’t easy to design a building while being inspired by just one element.

Nonetheless, when starting to design specifics of a building there is a key point in the development of a design concept – that being the site on which we will build.

Another key factor influencing the subtle strategy changes in the design process, as the current global context unfolds, is what the participatory design methods bring to the table, creating multiple ripple effects. As 2020 slowly passes, we have already seen the positive reactions on architecture, as more and more architects and professionals alike take more steps towards sustainable, collective and durable architecture [1].

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In the words of American architect Jeanne Gang: ‘What if a building were more like a nest? If it were, it would be made out of local, abundant materials. It would be specific to its site and climate. It would use minimal energy but maintain comfort. It would last just long enough and then would leave no trace. It would be just what it needed to be’ [2].

What the architect intended to convey was the vulnerability of a poorly designed building or place when the specifics of the site are ignored. And similarly, the user’s needs – the building or space is slowly losing its appeal in the eyes of the inhabitants. But then again, how beautiful and seemingly simple are the designs on which their architects and designers listen to its surroundings! At first, the architect might feel constrained while in the design process by the various specifics each site offers; yet, in some cases, that may help fuel their passion and dedication for their craft.

The article was originally published in CLOT magazine,

you can read the article in full here.

[2] The architect says, Laura S. Dushkes (Princeton Architectural Press, 2012)

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